BlazingText Inference

Create Endpoint

If you followed the python instructions in this link to train your BlazingText model, deploying your model is as simple as doing:

text_classifier = bt_model.deploy(initial_instance_count = 1,instance_type = 'ml.m4.xlarge')

Otherwise, you can create a model and deploy it as an endpoint using the console as seen in the DeepAR example here


You can pass in multiple set's of sentences to BlazingText to do a prediction, which requires the following JSON format to do a predict on the model you trained:

From the docs, BlazingText supports application/json as the content-type for inference. The payload should contain a list of sentences with the key as “instances” while being passed to the endpoint.

#Sample list of sentences ...
sentences = ["Convair was an american aircraft manufacturing company which later expanded into rockets and spacecraft.",
            "Berwick secondary college is situated in the outer melbourne metropolitan suburb of berwick ."]

# using the same nltk tokenizer that we used during data preparation for training
tokenized_sentences = [' '.join(nltk.word_tokenize(sent)) for sent in sentences]

payload = {"instances" : tokenized_sentences}

response = text_classifier.predict(json.dumps(payload))

predictions = json.loads(response)
print(json.dumps(predictions, indent=2))

By default, the model will return only one prediction, the one with the highest probability. For retrieving the top k predictions, you can set k in the configuration as shown below:

payload = {"instances" : tokenized_sentences,
          "configuration": {"k": 2}}

response = text_classifier.predict(json.dumps(payload))

predictions = json.loads(response)
print(json.dumps(predictions, indent=2))

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